Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ask Why? Get an answer.

I was driving the other day when I drove thru the inner part of a big city and saw a man on the sidewalk struggling with a shopping cart full of belongings. I watched as he stumbled onto the grass and tried to catch a blanket that was falling out of his cart. This scene isn't uncommon in this part of town and I started wondering why some of us were so blessed with the comforts of this world and why some had to struggle just to survive. It wasn't very much further down the road, when I got my answer. Just as the spirit does, a soft voice spoke to me, "For of him unto whom much is given much is required" D&C 82:3 (the actual thoughts were, "to whom much is given much is expected.") And the hymn "Because I have been given much" started to sing in my head.

Throughout the weekend, this same message rang in my head numerous times as I looked at my family, my home and my life. I feel so blessed and because of that I will do all that I can to serve the Lord. It's not just lucky, it's a blessing and because of that I must always strive to turn the hearts of my children and myself to the Lord.

On a little side note: We were watching a television show (my four year old and I) and someone mentioned "heaven". My little lady turned to me and said, "HEY! We know Heaven." Aren't we glad :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Temple Day and Little Learners . . .

Today was my trip to the temple. I have been trying to start each day with a little bit of quiet time and scriptures before the hustle and bustle of the day. This morning I read D&C 76. I read it thru a couple of times because I enjoyed it so much. (this will come into play later on in the story)

On to the temple . . . I was able to go with a dear friend that is another leader serving in Young Women's with me. We decided to do initiatory work (for more on the ordinances performed in the temple click here). We were given a list of five names and directed through the ordinances (this was my first time doing it on behalf of those who have passed on). As I sat by myself I looked at those names, I looked at the dates and was amazed by how long ago they walked this earth. I thought that they have been waiting a long time to have their work done . . . and how happy they must be . . . and then I remembered the scripture I had read this morning in which Joseph Smith received revelation in regards to the kingdoms of heaven. "Behold these are they who died without law; who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards received it. These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men." (D&C 72, 74-75) and I smiled. I closed my eyes and listened to the quiet voices of those called to serve the Lord in the temple and KNEW there was no other place I needed to be, but there. I LOVE the temple and I will make it a goal to visit AT LEAST monthly. What a renewed desire and a clear view of what this life is all about. It's about the next life!!!

Then this afternoon I was starting a project (painting an old door) and while I was painting my four year old wanted to come out and take part of the good weather (that has been hiding from us for so long) by riding her bike in the garage. I carried her bike down and turned to hoist it over the can of paint thinking I MUST tell her to walk the other way, when I had the feeling . . . "if you want her to go the other way, you must go that way too . . . "

I helped her climb on her bike and knelt down next to the door and that smile that overcame me in the temple was back, I KNEW this was a testimoment. If we are to teach our children the way to go, we must walk that way ourselves. We can't tell them to "go that way" as we trail off down a different path. The Lord and his prophets have counseled us to teach our children by example. How could I expect her to go a different way when I took a shorter but much more dangerous route myself.

I am truly grateful for the Lord and His hand in my life and in turn I will make sure that my children know of His hand in their lives also. They may at times choose that shorter path, BUT aren't we grateful for Christ's atonement to take off the stains the can of paint can leave, and truly grateful for the knowledge of that gift.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and the Atonement . . .

I love Easter, I love Conference. I have to say that conference is one of my FAVORITE things in this world. I love to hear the words of the Prophet and those called to serve the Lord. I love to have my testimony feed by their testimonies. I had questions and I received direct answers. My husband and I had prayed the night before for a specific answer and I can truly say that while listening to conference it seemed as if President Monson turned directly to me and said, "you will find peace in the Temple". My husband and I were both sitting on the couch and looked at each other. We both felt that this was our answer and we will be going to the house of the Lord soon to seek that peace we have been yearning for. I am so~ grateful to have a Lord who KNOWS us and who loves us. I am so~ grateful for temples and the sacred ordinances we are blessed to partake of when we attend. I am so~ grateful to be a member of the church during the last days where the gospel presence is strong on the Earth and I am not left to wonder too long, as the answers are there. I am grateful and I am blessed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let the "Son" shine in . . .

It has been too long since I have recorded my testimoments. I have been running crazy lately and haven't had the time to relax and listen for them. My mother and I were talking and she said, "are you being a mother at least 80% of the time?" And I could easily answer "no". My life has become quite hectic and I have made changes to try and slow things down, BUT I learned something wonderful this morning.

Last week I was sick. I had the nasty cough and cold that has been going around. While I knew that all my body needed was some rest, I was overwhelmed with work (photography) and couldn't find time to both take care of my family and accomplish the work I needed to. Therefore I spent every night last week up late working. I try to do work after the kids are in bed, so I can focus on them during the day. But because of my late nights, I wasn't very motivated during the day and therefore, getting sicker by the minute.

Needless to say, the weather has been beautiful . . . the sun has been shining and things are starting to turn green. I kept thinking that I should be feeling better because of the sun and warmth, but I just couldn't figure out why I wasn't.

Last night I went to bed early (YAY!) and in return woke up early to have my own personal scripture study before I woke up my little ladies (which I had been bypassing due to my previous late nights) I was able to take that time to return to Him. I prayed in silence and started the day right. After finishing my scripture study I went into the kitchen and opened up the curtains wide to let the sun in and had a "moment" (testimoment).

While the sun and warm weather has been there all along for the past couple of days (even maybe a week) I haven't taken the time to let it in. I have been tired and distracted and forgot to open my curtains and let the light in. Oh how this is applied to my life. I have been so busy making plans, trying to catch up and just surviving to let the Son in. I forgot that He is the source of all things good and that if I want to feel better I need to turn to Him and let Him in, as He is there.

It may be as simple as opening my curtains to see that He is there. He IS there and His light is beautiful, warm, and healing. We just need to make sure we are taking the steps to let Him into our lives and homes. I am grateful for the moments I have been given and the opportunity to receive them.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oldies but Goodies . . .

My cousin posted these videos on his facebook account and they are great reminders that the things that were true in the 1970's are still true today . . .

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hate is a strong word and life is a long time . . .

With all this crazy weather lately (a lot of snow where I am) I hear a lot of people talking about how they HATE winter. (Mostly my hubby). And I find myself saying, "don't say that . . . can't we find something we like about it because Hate is a strong word and Life is a long time. So it would be sad to take an entire season of each year and hate it." My hubby just laughs at me (because I don't think he REALLY hates it) but I have decided in my life that I won't hate anything. Why waste a portion of life or a part of this world that the Lord has created for us with bad feelings. Have we not heard "there is beauty all around"? Now while there are parts of life, I do not necessarily enjoy I have tried to prevent myself from saying that I hate something (and especially someone). When life is so long (and eternity even longer!) I don't want to rule out that someday I will enjoy or even LOVE the very thing I was tempted to "hate".

I feel that when you say you "hate" something, it seems to become a part of who you are. Like say, I hate broccoli (which I don't, but I know a few children who may say this). What if I always said that I hated it. I turned it down whenever it was offered to me, I started to see it in the store and make disgusting faces, I turned down meals that included it and then I just decided that me . . . I hate broccoli. Think of the great meals that may be missed!

How about this, decide that broccoli isn't my favorite thing right now, but let's not say we hate it. Let's not make it a part of who we are. Let's not rule it out. Because like mushrooms to a child, the taste may gross you out but it may grow on you and you may love them when your "taste buds" mature.

Why not find joy and greatness in EVERYTHING! Why not look for a reason to LOVE the snow instead of hating it. Look at the beauty it creates, look at the simple life you live when "snowed in". Look at the joy in your children's eyes when you make a snow fort or snowman.

Maybe for some things our "taste buds" haven't matured to the beauty something beholds. So don't rule it out, find the beauty in everything and everyone.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

The White Rose~

I have had the opportunity over the past few days to do some work for a WonDeRfuL family who I first considered clients but now consider friends. Their dear daughter gave birth to a little man who lived for only a few weeks and then returned home to our Heavenly Father.

This wonderful family shared a story with me, that I'd like to share with you (and keep for my family to read later on). It's called The White Rose.

The White Rose~

All the earth's mothers and fathers were gathered together at God's garden of flowers: those beautiful budding spirits, who would someday come to earth, were nurtured and tended in the garden. A loving Father spoke to the mothers and fathers: "See the works of my hands; someday you will be the parents of those radiant spirits." The garden glowed with the mixture of all kinds and colors. "Choose Ye," He said. Now in the east corner of the garden, pure, white roses stood as sentinels. They were not so colorful as the rest, but glowed with a kind of purity which set them apart.

One by one mothers and fathers stepped forward. "I want the blue-eyed, curly-haired one, who will grow to maturity and be a mother in Zion. Yet another chose a brown-eyed, brown-haired boy full of life and love who would someday be a prince in a grand country. The garden buzzed with excitement as the others chose their own special spirits, those whom they would soon welcome into the warmth and love of an earthly home.

Once again the loving father spoke, "But who will take the white roses, the ones in the east corner of the garden. These will return to me in purity and goodness. They will not stay long in your home, for I must bring them back to my Garden for they belong with me; but they will gain bodies as we planned. You will miss them and long for them, but I will personally care for them."

"No, not I," many said in unison. "I could not bear to give one back so soon." "Nor I," said others. "We will take those who will remain and grow to maturity and live long lives."

The loving Father looked out across the multitude of mothers and fathers with the longing in His eyes for someone to step forward. He then said, "See the most pure and perfect of all the white ones? I choose Him; He will go down and be a sacrifice for all mankind. He will be scorned, mocked, and crucified. He is mine own. Will not anyone choose like unto Him?"

A few mothers stepped forward. "Yes, Lord, I will." Then a few fathers said, "I as well."

Soon all the pure, white roses were taken; and they rejoiced in the choices of the mothers and the fathers. The Father spoke again: "Oh, blessed are you who chose the white roses, for your pain will be a heavy cross to bear; but your joy will be exceeding beyond anything you can understand at this time."

The white ones embraced their mothers and fathers; so full was their purity and love that it filled their souls with such endearment. Each mother and father knew they could endure the task. And the greatest of all the white ones gathered them as a hen gathers her chicks, and the outpouring love surrounded each mother, father, and child, consuming all the white ones as He prepared them for their task. And each mother and father who bore the weight of the white rose would feel the overwhelming love of God as they all shouted, "Thy will be done."

** There is a great talk or discussion by Bruce R. McConkie in which he addressed the gospel and how it pertains to infants/children who return home SALVATION OF LITTLE CHILDREN in this discussion he quotes Joseph Smith, “The Lord takes many away, even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man, and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely, to live on earth.” (Joseph Smith Teachings, pp. 196–97.)"

My love and prayers go out to this wonderful family and any other that has endured such trials. I honor you and know that thru Christ families can be together forever.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Family Fast . . .

My youngest princess is going to be ONE next month and I have been reflecting on her birth and the miracles that came our way. Our little "bean" was 4 weeks early (3 weeks 5 days to be exact) and while that is not extremely early, something wasn't right. She had sudden Shoulder Dystocia (which I didn't know just how bad it was until I read that link, and am now VERY thankful for a talented Midwife who seemed as calm as could be).   When she was born she wasn't responsive and they had to do some breathing things to get her breathing.  She was just limp, it was the scariest thing I have ever experienced.  

Our little princess was rushed off to be checked and see if she needed to go to the NICU, which they decided she did.  My husband (oh how hard this was on him) and my dad gave her a blessing and off she went.  I had the baby on Monday and I could barely keep my eyes open thru Wednesday, not my regular way, I am usually up and walking around later that day.  The baby on the other hand hadn't even opened her eyes.  They kept asking me about a virus I had a few months before the baby (just a little cold).  Because they couldn't figure out why she was sooooo sleepy.  They said they gave her an iv in her head and she didn't even flinch.

Wednesday came and it was time for me to go home, but not my baby :(  What a hard time that is!  I was pumping and giving them milk, but she was still tube feeding because she was not awake at all to eat.  There wasn't any rooms available at the hospital so I had to leave her there and go home.  What a sad feeling.  Helpless really.  You can't hold her, you can't show her off to friends and family, so different than my other babies, you can't help her, you just pray!

With this, my husband called his Grandpa and asked if the family could have a fast on behalf of our new baby.  His Grandpa has been such a great example to us and there was no question that the family would pull together to support us.

Thursday Morning I got ready and head out for a day at the hospital (they called and said that they had a room also, so I could stay).  I walked into the NICU room #1 (reserved for the sickest babies) and there was my BABY and I mean a BABY, she was out of the box, dressed in clothes, wrapped in a blanket in a regular bed like all my other babies were!  It was amazing!  

I held her, feed her, cuddled her, she was a real baby (sure I knew she was a real baby before but it was so different when you couldn't even touch her, just look at her in the little box).  And from there she improved with flying colors.  It still took almost one more week for us to get her home, but there is no reason to rush . . . make sure everything is okay first.  She went home without any oxygen, or beeping machines, she came home and has been PERFECT and active ever since.

Now I have always had a hard time with fasting (I have blood sugar issues and have to snack all day) and I just feel so hungry when they say you can't eat (doesn't make a lot of sense, he he). But this was a confirmation to me that fasting and prayer DOES work and MIRACLES can come from those acts of faith.  

I am so grateful to a family who knows where to turn when times are tough (and when times are FABULOUS!  C.S. Lewis says, "and his feasts would be as Christian as his fasts.")  I am grateful to the healing power of the priesthood and the gift it is in my life to have worthy men who honor it.  And I am grateful for the responsibility to raise children of God and the assistance he gives me so I may raise them up to yearn to return to Him.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 Mutual Theme

Being that I am in Young Women's and Love the New 2009 Theme . . .
"Be Thou an Example of the Believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

I thought I would share this great website the church has for the youth and this theme.
Check it Out and Happy New Year!