Our little princess was rushed off to be checked and see if she needed to go to the NICU, which they decided she did. My husband (oh how hard this was on him) and my dad gave her a blessing and off she went. I had the baby on Monday and I could barely keep my eyes open thru Wednesday, not my regular way, I am usually up and walking around later that day. The baby on the other hand hadn't even opened her eyes. They kept asking me about a virus I had a few months before the baby (just a little cold). Because they couldn't figure out why she was sooooo sleepy. They said they gave her an iv in her head and she didn't even flinch.
Wednesday came and it was time for me to go home, but not my baby :( What a hard time that is! I was pumping and giving them milk, but she was still tube feeding because she was not awake at all to eat. There wasn't any rooms available at the hospital so I had to leave her there and go home. What a sad feeling. Helpless really. You can't hold her, you can't show her off to friends and family, so different than my other babies, you can't help her, you just pray!
With this, my husband called his Grandpa and asked if the family could have a fast on behalf of our new baby. His Grandpa has been such a great example to us and there was no question that the family would pull together to support us.
Thursday Morning I got ready and head out for a day at the hospital (they called and said that they had a room also, so I could stay). I walked into the NICU room #1 (reserved for the sickest babies) and there was my BABY and I mean a BABY, she was out of the box, dressed in clothes, wrapped in a blanket in a regular bed like all my other babies were! It was amazing!
I held her, feed her, cuddled her, she was a real baby (sure I knew she was a real baby before but it was so different when you couldn't even touch her, just look at her in the little box). And from there she improved with flying colors. It still took almost one more week for us to get her home, but there is no reason to rush . . . make sure everything is okay first. She went home without any oxygen, or beeping machines, she came home and has been PERFECT and active ever since.
Now I have always had a hard time with fasting (I have blood sugar issues and have to snack all day) and I just feel so hungry when they say you can't eat (doesn't make a lot of sense, he he). But this was a confirmation to me that fasting and prayer DOES work and MIRACLES can come from those acts of faith.
I am so grateful to a family who knows where to turn when times are tough (and when times are FABULOUS! C.S. Lewis says, "and his feasts would be as Christian as his fasts.") I am grateful to the healing power of the priesthood and the gift it is in my life to have worthy men who honor it. And I am grateful for the responsibility to raise children of God and the assistance he gives me so I may raise them up to yearn to return to Him.
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